Work Horse Temps

Safety Managers & Supervisors

Safety Managers
& Supervisors for INSPECTIONS & MEETINGS

Our clients often request us to assist and inspect certain job sites. Work Horse Temps will then assign your (company/site) to one of our qualified Safety Consultants who will have current and valid certifications such as OSHA 510, 511, 500, 30, Construction Health and Safety Tech (CHST), Associated Safety Professional (ASP), Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Safety Trained Supervisor Construction (STSC), Certified Safety Manager Construction (CSMC), Safety Management Specialist (SMS), Safety Trained Supervisors (STS), Occupational Hygiene and Safety Technology (OHST), (CIH),Certified Industrial Hygienist and many others. Work Horse Temps will provide you with safety individuals who have true "Hands on Experience" in the field requested. Our safety inspector / manager / supervisor will communicate with your corporate or local site safety contact when on site and walk with them if possible.

Any violations observed during the walk will be advised as to how to correct the violation and will be noted in your report along with pictures when feasible. Work Horse Temps Safety Professionals have found that most "Safety Inspections" are best done when your crews don’t know when you are coming.

Work Horse Temps

Surprise in this case is strongly recommended. By doing this you would get a true status report of what's actually going on at your sites and identify the key areas that you would need immediate improvement. Your Safety Meetings can be held after the inspection and the discussion of any violations observed or any topic of your choice can be vocalized. All attendees will sign in and a copy will be given to your on-site contact along with our office. Please keep in mind that if you require a Site Safety Supervisor who holds an OSHA 30 certification or greater, to be on site for the length of your project, we can provide and tailor this for you. Work Horse Temps can provide this service as "Temp", "Temp to Perm" or "Direct Hire" depending on your company's needs.


Whether you need a new Safety Program or you have one that may need updating, Work Horse Temps can provide the talent, who can work with you to design a custom program with policies, procedures, as well as assisting you with the implementation and enforcement of it. Always remember that the main goal of a "Safety & Health Program" is to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses, & deaths, as well as the suffering & financial hardships. Our Safety personnel will develop and implement programs based on standards from OSHA & best practices in your industry.

Work Horse Temps

Physical Construction Site Safety Consulting

Work Horse Temps can offer your company Safety Consultants, who can be either Direct Hire, Temp to Perm and or Temp employees for construction and safety management, construction site safety as well as construction safety training and support for optimum job site safety (on your site location, depending on your request) or (Can be instructed at our office if needed). Our Construction Safety Management Consultants will manage the Job Safety Analysis Program (JSA). The JSA is an effective tool used to promote safe work planning for every task. Most employees are excellent at planning the manpower, tools, equipment and time necessary to compete each task, but often do not take the necessary time to plan for job site safety. This is where the JSA can be an effective tool in bridging that gap. The JSA is a simple form that is completed by the worker or group prior to conducting a task.

The JSA allows the workers to break the task down into simple steps, identify the associated hazards, implement and review corrective actions taken. They will be able to either eliminate or protect themselves from the identified hazards. Our Safety Consultant provided will evaluate and train individuals and crews (Pre negotiated rate) who need guidance to improve on the JSA process. By improving this JSA process it often leads to a positive change in construction site safety culture, with a "BUY IN" effect from the top down. Disclaimer Work Horse Temps provides these services as an added benefit to our clients. We screen and verify that our safety employees have the required valid certifications and experience for certain tasks and projects. We pride ourselves in screening and delivering top talent to our clients who are in need of safety services and consulting. Work Horse Temps LLC "Does NOT self-perform any work NOR will be contracted as a Contractor or Subcontractor. We ARE NOT responsible for any errors or liability that our safety employees may cause, either physical, material, consolatory or financial. Work Horse Temps LLC is strictly a labor provider for our clients who provides Direct Hire, Skilled/Semi and General Temp labor.